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AceHOOD Ascents for Integrated Development  (AID) is the Model Technology Modification (MTM) program for developing Subsistence Innovation of AceHOOD field-based model-technologies. It is the technical provision for Workshop  developers and AceHOOD technology users to modify temporal or permanent attachment or features to support the functionalities  of AceHOOD model technologies.


Modification for Subsistence Innovation mechanics is the creative activity that enables a user or developer to study the a model-technology to provide different innovative attachment that can be accommodated by the model technology to execute a specific task. The development of innovative attachment does not require a change in the basic structure or functionality of the mode technology; rather it addresses how an innovative attachment can be appreciated with the basic construction of the model-technology for improved functionalities. 


Modification for Subsistence Innovation represents a unique approach to technological development that focuses on meeting the special needs  for sustainable and locally relevant manner. This form of innovation makes the model-technology the foundation of a huge complex of a developer’s project. 

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